Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Comisionado Del Precinto 3 Jose Luis Rosales Agradece A Los Residentes Su Voto Por Confiar En El. GRACIAS !!!

Maverick County Precinct 3 – Quiero expresar mis mas sinceras gracias a mi familia, a mi esposa, a mis hijos, a mis hermanos, a mi equipo de colaboradores, a mis trabajadores que me acompanan dia a dia en las funciones que demanda la comunidad, y mas importante que nada la gente que se unio y brindo su apoyo de confianza en mi. Gracias a toda la gente del precinto 3, a mi gente, a mis amigos, y adversarios politicos. No cabe en mi reconocer a nadie como enemigo, todos debemos buscar un mismo fin, el mejoramiento de nuestra comunidad y la busqueda de un mejor NIVEL de vida para los habitantes de nuestro precinto. Yo reconzco su lealtad, su calidad de ciudadanos, su entrega al trabajo comunitario y conjunto, a todos muchas gracias y que Dios los bendiga en union de sus familias. Lo que sigue, son tiempos de unidad de reconciliacion de trabajo de lealtad, y por mi parte en mi nombre y de mi familia, !! MUCHAS GRACIAS, Y DIOS LOS BENDIGA HOY Y SIEMPRE !!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jose Luis Rosales Uncovers The Truth Behind Joe Moreno (TVAW Interview)

Maverick County Precinct 3 – Jose Luis Rosales uncovers the truth behind opposing candidate Jose Moreno. In an exclusive interview with TVAW news, candidate for commissioner precinct 3 Jose Luis Rosales unveils the dark side and intentions of a candidate who really has different motives for running in this election.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Seco Mines Community Center Will Be Celebrating Health Care Month With A Loteria Event

Maverick County Precinct 3 – The Seco Mines Community Center will be having a Mexican Loteria on Thursday, May 24th from 10:00am - 1:00pm. Approximately 20 games will be played and 20 prizes will be given. For more information on future Loteria events you may contact the Seco Mines Community Center at 773-5588.

A special thanks to our following sponsors:
National Medical Home Care
Eagle pass Nursing & Rehabilitation
Med Mart

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hundreds Of Mothers Attended The Mothers Day Celebration Dinner That Was Held At The Seco Mines Community Center This Past Friday

Maverick County Precinct 3 - The Seco Mines Community Center together with the Maverick County Precinct 3 staff held a Mothers Day celebration dinner this past friday at the Seco Mines Community Center Pavilion. The event started at 6:00 pm with mothers arriving as early as 5:00 pm. The festivities included  speeches given by Commissioner Jose Luis Rosales and David Lopez Seco Mines Community Center director, followed by a delicious dinner, loteria games, and mariachi music. A special thanks goes out to all the sponsors, staff, and volunteers who contributed to this great event.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Make The Right Choice This Election And Vote Jose Luis Rosales For Commissioner Precinct 3

Maverick County Precinct 3 -  Commissioner Jose Luis Rosales reminds you to exercise your right to vote and dont forget to come out to the multipurpose center for Early Voting on May 14-25 and General Election Day May 29, 2012. Click on top banner for more information.

El Comisionado Jose Luis Rosales Celebra Su Aniversario Numero 33 Con Sus Amigos Y Familiares Este Sabado Pasado

Maverick County Precinct 3 - En un ambiente entre amigos y familiares el Comisionado Jose Luis Rosales festejo su aniversario numero 33 en los dias pasados en el salon Club de Leones de Eagle Pass. Alrrededor de 150 personas se reunieron con el Candidato a Comisionado para celebrar su cumple años y demonstrarle su apoyo para las proximas elecciones que empiezan el proximo Lunes 14 de Mayo en el Multipurpose Center de 8am a 5pm hasta el 25 del presente mes. Rosales quien busca la re-eleccion para el termino completo, agradecio a los presentes por todo el apoyo brindado y a la misma vez los invito a continuar uniendose al reto del cambio para seguir con el progreso en el Precinto 3. En tan solo un año y medio que el Comisionado Rosales a estado en el cargo, a demonstrado que SI se puede lograr progreso y encontrar soluciones a las necesidades para los residentes del precinto3.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Your Future Is In Good Hands Vote For Jose Luis Rosales For Precinct 3 Commissioner

Maverick County Precinct 3 -  Vote for your Commssioner Jose Luis Rosales this General Election that will be held on May 29, 2012. Video announcement will be aired on the local tv station TVAW. Thank You for your support.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Two Mother's Day Celebration Dinners To Take Place In Precinct 3 On Friday, May 11, 2012

Maverick County Precinct 3 -  Commissioner Rosales announced today that the Seco Mines Community Center working closely together with Maverick County Precinct 3 will be having two Mother's Day Celebration Dinners. Maverick County mothers are invited to come and celebrate this special occassion with us and enjoy an evening in a fun and relaxing atmosphere including Loteria Games, Music, and more. Dinner will be served from 6pm - 8pm. For more information or to volunteer you may contact the office at 773-5588 or 773-1716.

Unase Al Reto "Salud Es Vida" Event Live From Maverick County Lake Wednesday May 16, 2012

Maverick County Precinct 3 -  In an effort to promote healthier living through exercise and healthy eating, the Univision Unase Al Reto event will be taking place at the Maverick County Lake Park this Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 6:00 pm. The event will also be broadcasted Live on the Univision Channel at 5pm. The public is encouraged to attend.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Commissioner Jose Luis Rosales To Celebrate His 33rd Birthday And Official Campaign Launch This Saturday May 5, 2012

Maverick County Precinct 3 -  Commissioner Jose Luis Rosales is inviting the public to his official campaign launch and 33rd birthday celebration being held this Saturday May 5, 2012 at the Eagle Pass Lion's Club located at 1257 Stevens Road, Deer Run Subdivision. The celebration will begin at 7:00 pm. You may bring your own beer or favorite beverage. Campaign donations are welcomed. For more information on this event you may call 352-5052. Thank you for your support.

Jose Luis Rosales Giving A Speech At The Quemado Meet The Candidate Event

Maverick County Precinct 3 - A meet the candidate event was held in Quemado, Texas to give the residents an opportunity to meet the candidates running for office this May 29, 2012. The following is a video clip of Jose Luis Rosales candidate for Commissioner Precinct 3 giving a speech to the residents of Quemado and Normandy.

Video source: