Monday, April 16, 2012

Record Breaking Number Of Supporters Lined Up Saturday To Show Their Support For Precinct 3 Commissioner Jose Luis Rosales

Maverick County Precinct 3 – With only a few minutes after 10:00 am the volunteers of the Jose Luis Rosales campaign began working diligently as the line of supporters quickly grew. Over 1300 plates were served in just a matter of hours. Some supporters who bought tickets had to wait in line to recieve their plates and others returned at a later time. Commissioner Rosales, apologized on what was happening with the unexpected and overwhelming reponse from the public. One person standing in line stated "this is the largest fundraiser we have ever seen here in Eagle Pass for a political candidate". Commissioner Rosales offered to hand deliver the plates to the resident's homes for those who chose that option. The delivering of plates lasted well until 4:00 pm. in the afternoon with deliveries also being made to each individual address. The Rosales family would like to thank all the volunteers and the hundreds of supporters who helped out in making this fundraiser a huge record breaking success.